I would rate my trip to Owl Pond as EXCELLENT!! From the first meal Sunday night through to the end it only got better as the week went on. Right!! Haha. My guide, Sid, got me on a bull moose by 9:00 Monday morning (18pts) The we, (he) spent the day getting it back to camp. He, (they) clean up the meat as if it were their own. Excellent hunt, excellent retrieval of meat. By Wednesday Sid has me on my stag caribou by 12:30. The kill, the camping, the quartering and transfer of meat all as if it were his own. Excellent qualities for the guides and outfitter to have. My caribou was 28pts. Besides all this, I get to stain door frames and chop wood. Right HaHa. Thank you very much for such a successful hunting trip. Sid, Brenda, Dylan, Garrison, Jason you're the greatest!
Tim Radermecher, Montevideo, MN - 18pt Bull and 28pt Stag